Sunday, December 22, 2013

Enhance & Clarify Your Highlight Tape |Do's & Dont's for Highlight Help|

Making a highlight tape, it's hard, you want all those good plays on one reel; but the reality of it, no college coach nor recruiter wants to see 10 minutes of plays, because to be honest yes they may be good and electric but also start to run together after seen once or twice. And on top of that, your film resembles the film of another that is being sought out in recruiting, therefore your choice in plays to he evaluated should be ones that are electric, display your talents and errors going the extra mile, display your eagerness to make plays and lead your team, but most of all your highlight film should be CLEAR CUT & A REEL OF PLAYS THAT SHOWS A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR ABILITIES FROM THE NEXT RECRUIT!!


Most videos from my athletes & very popular site is Hudl. Allows for athletes to manage their own film quick and easy.Following these tips will allow for a better quality product of film. 

1. Film Length 
The length of your highlight film should not exceed 10-15 of your TOP most electric and skill defying plays of your season that was just completed. Most folks have these highlight films with 10 minutes of plays and always have to ask "hey coach did you see this play" and the truth is, NO, if a coach has to look for it then he/she didn't see it, there is too much film from all over the country to be watched so make yours short & to the point, let the coaches request more film if necessary. Film length shouldn't be more than 5 minutes!! Save the 10 minute films for your personal keepsakes 

For every sport, you don't want to just put clips of you scoring as your highlight film, or just showing one dimension of your position or skill set. I tell my athletes put electric plays that are made first, maybe one or two, then follow up with something different if you okay offense put a play of you blocking or pancaking someone, but show that you are effect WITH AND WITHOUT THE BALL. The point of the film is to show VERSATILITY, defensive players show turnovers and plays made, most plays should be made behind the line or at the line of scrimmage, not effort plays effort is EXPECTED! Realize this is not just a highlight film, it is an audition film and your scholarship or opportunity to play at the next level is on the line. Remember 10 TO 15 OF YOUR WITHOUT A DOUBT BEST PLAYS! Show yourself playing with passion and reacting to your opposition, you want to paint a picture of athletic greatness with your highlight film. 

Hudl has a nice feature where you can add an arrow or circle around where you are located on the field or court. This will allow for the recruiter or viewer of your film to locate your position on the field instead of have wandering eyes and miss the play made, then have to rewind, takes too much time, help your recruiters and yourself by HIGHLIGHTING where you are, makes the process easier for everyone! Also shows that you took the time and initiative to lay out your film clearly as properly! 

Rap and rock music seem to be the most popular amongst the athletic communities, but attempting to be recruited and obtain scholarships is a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Business opportunities don't send over information with the latest Jay-Z song playing in the background. Some coaches will even turn film off if it has music on it, then you would have to send film all over again & someone else will be seen in the mean time of your new film waiting to be made and delivered. NO MUSIC. NOT EVEN INSTRUMENTALS. Save the tunes for your personally manufactured highlight reels for your own enjoyment, not to be sent for playing opportunity. Along with the music, all speed altering (fast/slow motion) and effects that are added to films are not needed either, just be CLEAR CUT AND SHOW YOUR SKILLS, not your videography and photoshops skills. Still pictures in highlight films are lame and take up time, a play could be run during this time showing more of what you've got! No add-Ins, no music, no still pics (if you would like, send a still picture along with your highlight film and on the back list your accomplishment, awards, and accolades)! 

You are trying to be seen and recruited, what sense does it make to have your page or profile on private?? public is the way to go, this way each and every coach, each and every athlete, no matter who it is, they can view your profile which is indeed what you want to happen. You want to be seen you want to be the buzz and want to be on the recruiting wire, make and keep your highlight and recruiting profiles all public allowing for all coaches and the rightful persons to have access to viewing! 

Highlight films are meant to give a glimpse of athletic capability not be a long video story or your athletic career. Keep it brief and short, to the point, allow yourself to be seen with arrows and make it easier to be seen making plays! Leave the music for your iPod and personal reel, speed should be film speed and video should be packed full of plays from a variety of games from the most recent completed season. Start with electric and keep the coach or viewer on the edge of their seats with each play; showing yourself blocking, shedding blocks, blowing plays up, intercepting passes and scooping fumbles, show versatility and show the phenomenal athlete that you are! Remember dominant plays should be shown and shown and shown, show yourself off & be proud of the work you put in to shape your future and be recruited!!! 

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