Thursday, January 16, 2014


Meet the team that brings the DMV's athletes elite training, elevating their athleticsm & knowledge of respected sports, and pushing athletes to set and achieve goals athletically and academically! We are athletes from this great area, know the talent level & it's potential to grow, but was also know the barriers many athletes are facing and have indeed been in the same shoes as many of our areas athletes. We are here to answer those questions that many athletes don't get the answers to, eliminate doubt, get our DMV athletes athletically and mentally ready for the collegiate level & every athletic level in every sport, and elevate our areas athletic talent & desire for success and competition! 

Martino "Savage" Montague      
Height: 6-0

Position: Coach and co-owner

Hometown: Reston, VA

College: Bridgewater College

Martino attended and graduate from Bridgewater College. During his college career he received many awards /honors and was a team captain for 3 years. 

After college he played indoor/arena football while working towards playing in the CFL(Calgary Stampeders & BC Lions).Coach Savage currently conducts the training sessions, heads the promotion of EAP through different social media outlets, networking with coaches and schools in the area and is a substitute teacher for FCPS. Martino is a perfect example of what we are trying to instill in our athletes. He is relentless in the weightroom & in field work training, very passionate and outspoken, a leader in the community and overall is an awesome individual. 

Julian Vaughn  
Height: 6-10
Position: Coach and co-owner
Hometown: Reston, VA
College: Georgetown University

Julian graduated from Georgetown University but was a transfer from Florida State University. While attending, he played a key role on the G'town basketball team and perfected his understanding of the game. Julian is currently playing in Europe but will eventually retire in order to pursuit other endeavors. Julian brings his expertise and knowledge of basketball to our team and is one of the main pillars of the company.

Thomas Mayo
Height: 6-2
Position: Coach and co-owner
Hometown: Reston, VA
College: Cal. PA 

Thomas Mayo attended Cal. Pa transferring from Concorde University. During his career, Mayo dominated the field as a wr and received All-American honors. He was an undrafted free agent with the Oakland Raiders in 2012 but was later released. He was signed by the New York Jets, later reverted to the team's injured reserve list. Mayo is the example of the saying, "no days off", he is a student of the game and a mentor to many in the northern Virginia area. His career is just beginning and has a bright future ahead of him. 

Gabe Itoka

Height: 5-8

Position: coach & co-owner 

Hometown: Reston, VA

College: Virginia Military Institute

Gabe Itoka attended and graduated from The Virginia Military Institute. He was a four year starter and contributed to the success of the team. Upon graduation, Gabe was offered a position as a volunteer with the Peace Corps. He is currently serving a two year commitment and is residing in Morocco. Gabe currently assists Coach Savage with promotion of the company through social media outlets. He is looking forward to returning back to the states and contributing to the progression of the EAP and it's athletes. Gabe brings his knowledge of the game and leadership to the team and will be well received upon his return. 

The owners would like to thank you for taking this time to learn more about our company. Feel free to contact us for any information regarding signing up for training session. Aspire to dominate in all aspects of your life! Contact us via email or phone to train with us & elevate your athleticsm! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The end of the colliegate football season, crowning of the last BCS National Champion, has now led us to another exciting time of the year, COMBINE SEASON. Not only are former collegiate athletes preparing for the job interview of their lives, but high school and middle school students should be doing the same; preparing their bodies dropping 40 times, quickening their feet & agility, improving flexibility, polishing position specific drills, and strengthening their bodies not only for offseason gains but also to sell their personal image while being evaluated! The winter, the time for making gains that will not only pay off next fall, but pay off during the spring & summer while performing in recruiting combines for scholarships and athletic acknowledgment. It is already January and combines have already started, it is time to hit the field in your spare time and make time to improve your position mobility; make a statement show scouts your talent can not only lead your troops but can be compared to leaders around the nation! 

Combine dates are released & there is no reason why all freshman-juniors shouldn't be attending these camps throughout the DMV & in neighboring states! If you are busy on one date or out of shape & want a few more week, multiple locations and dates are available for all different camps but don't wait too long second guessing your talent, GET SEEN! 

Football University Combines 
Charlotte, NC @ South Mecklenburg HS on May 9-11

Philadelphia, PA @ George School on May 16-18

Northern Virginia @ Mt.Vernon HS on May 30th-June 1st

more information can be found at 

Rivals Camp Series 
Charlotte, NC @ Mallard Creek HS at 8:30AM March 30th 

Baltimore/Washington DC @ St.John College HS at 8:30AM April 13th 

more information can be found at 

VTO Sports Combines 
Charlotte, NC January 12th & 26th 
Richmond,VA February 15th 
Baltimore,MD February 16th  

More combine information can be found on the VTOsports website.

National Underclassman Combines 
Northern Virginia on May 10th & 11th at TC Williams High School  

Western VA. at Heritage High School, Lynchburg VA on May 17th &18th 

Baltimore,Maryland at Mergenthaler Voc Tech on May 24th & 25th 
More information can be found on the NUC website.

Nike Football Training Camp 
DATES TO BE RELEASED second or third week of January (post will be updated)


People dream of making it to the big dance, having a professional career in athletics; it's starts in high school during the recruiting process. Get yourself noticed, get extra film and a sense of your immediate competition (what your up against recruiting); allowing for yourself to help your recruiting process with sights on obtain scholarships and collegiate athletic playing opportunities. Again, MAXIMIZE your opportunity, go to as many combines as possible, perform your heart out, and the recruiting buzz should soon follow! Pick a date, stick to it, and motivate yourself training to perform ELITE at the event; only way to get seen is to get seen!! 

-Aspire To Dominate

Monday, January 6, 2014


The other day, at one of our (The Elite Athletic Program) training sessions; one of our athletes asked us a few questions about recruiting & how to get recruited! Same questions I had when I was in high school are still amongst us now but THIS very posting should help answer a bunch of unanswered & sought out questions about recruiting & how to go about being recruited. 

**this can help is you are being recruited & want to ensure some opportunity or if you are a guy/gal looking to start your recruiting buzz and generate opportunity for yourself; it does not matter who you are or the position you are in, if you are in high school or looking to participate in college athletics, read up & learn how to get yourself recruited and develop opportunity for yourself! 


Take initiative & get in the mission. You wait you will be left behind, get out there, get your name out there, & be seen! Only way your talents will be utilIzed at the next level after high school is to be seen. Many say they want to go D1 but wait and let their coaches send out film after their senior season...THATS TOO LATE, you have now put yourself in a position of catch-up! THE MOMENT YOU HAVE "QUALITY" VARSITY FILM, it should be edited & sent out to coaches
For football athletes, combines & camps are available at schools and universities through the spring & summer! Even middle school athletes can start to generate their buzz at FBU (Football Univeristy) Combines & camps. High school athletes will find luck in their recruiting process attending combines/camps featured by VTOsports, RIVALS Camp Series, National Underclassmen Combines, & Nike Football Training Camps; although athletes should train and polish combines drills & position drills before attending! You want to be recruited, you must be in shape & look good, as well as perfom ELITE! Even at a young age, this can be the start of your "sport resume" & scholarship journey!

If your coach is one that wait to send out film as your senior year approaches, don't get offended, GET MOTIVATED! SEND YOUR FILM OUR YOURSELF, with hudl it is easy to manage your film and plays against varsity competition. Chop the film, send it out, YES EVEN IF YOU ARE A SOPHOMORE FRESHMAN EVEN, in high school send it out don't wait & let the seniors get all the shine in the recruiting process! 

The answer is EVERYWHERE! You say you have dreams of playing division one, don't forget FCS level schools are STILL division one & prestigious univeristies as well! Get online & search for "Staff Directory" on the sports pages of every school that offers a scholarship at the college level (THATS MEANS ALL D1, D1AA, & D2 schools). In the "sports directory" scroll to your sport & the email as well as phone number of each and every coach at each college/university will be available, EVERY SCHOOL & COACH SHOULD GET YOUR INFORMATION! THIS IS THE MEANING OF "BEING SEEN", SO GET SEEN!!! 
No school should be left behind, maximize your opportunity to obtain and education & play sports at the next level, also might experience a new place in the nation from reaching out to plenty of places. 

NO SCHOOL LEFT BEHIND! Maximize your opportunity! 

introduce yourself to the staff and coaches but you must do it properly! Don't want to come off cocky, but want to be perceived as confident; don't want to seem like you are too smart, but also don't want to make yourself seem ignorant AT ALL! 
First, tell them of course your Name, State, School, position, height and weight, and ACCURATE COMBINE TIMES (Dash speeds, shuttles, vertices, bench max reps, weight room maxs (squat, power clean, snatch, deadlift, bench is always last). Tell the truth, recruiters will call coaches & read up on combine websites; coaches at the next level are well connected & WILL FIND out if your numbers & speeds are not as advertised. Don't hurt yourself in the recruiting process. 
RESUME. give a brief overview of ALL respectable accomplishments athletically & academically, show ability in & out of the classroom; allow for coaches to get a feel for the athlete you are. Examples: team captian, preseason & post season honors, academic honors, stats, anything to make you JUMP OFF THE PAGE!  

Along with sending out film & information to all coaches through emails & even resending emails to colleges/univeristies you may be interested more than others, sign up for these recruiting networks & help your process even more!,, and are a few of the free websites that can be utilized to improve ones recruiting process. HAVE TWITTER, FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM BUT DONT HAVE A PAGE FOR RECRUITING..GET ON BOARD!!!

Behavior on social networks can haunt athletes, just as it does adults with jobs! Keep it clean & professional, you are always on an interview. Don't lose a job before the opportunity presents itself with a careless mistakes posting inappropriate material. Display leadership qualities and the ability to adapt to new or unfamiliar situations, be a great person internally & externally character and karma go along way in the recruiting process! Help athletes around you grow and you will grow as well! 

Never lie about your numbers or accomplishments, again, coaches at the next level are looking for an athlete to fit in their system & looking for those qualities within the athlete, COACHES WILL FIND A WAY TO GET THE TRUTH! Lie to one coach & 100 more will find out, don't underestimate the power of the truth! If you are prepared & have talents, also follow these tips then your recruiting should take flight and you should have no worries! NO NEED TO LIE! 

Dont wait to be seen, you want that scholarship you must perform well I'm your sport(s)& lead your team through thick and thin. Don't wait for your coaches to start your recruiting process, read up and down this article and start the process yourself. Read our previous article & shape your highlight film to a reel of excellence. Display yourself to be the athlete you speak of, develop a resume to endorse your tape & introduce yourself along with the highlight reel (FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES).Most importantly maximize your opportunity; send your film every where and attend camps to dominate. Be in the front of every drill, have great technique and ability, show your motor & versatility...
And the contact relationships & letters should start rolling in. Dont be discouraged if they don't; rather get motivated & send more film while training to strength weaknesses and enhance greater abilities! Leave no school behind and maximize your opportunity to play at the next level & study at the next level. You want letter and phone calls, GO GET THEM! 

Go get yourself recruited, 

Aspire to dominate! 


Thursday, January 2, 2014

SMART-er GOALS: 2014 Achieve More

Happy New Year, now that 2014 has a whole day under it's belt, let us shape this year and our every year to come a little different than we have in the past! 
Everyone makes resolutions & sets goals, but a large percent end up dropping what they are going & reverting to other goals or fall into old fashions. Setting your goals up the SMART way, will indeed insure some structure within achieving and setting your goals for life or resolutions for the year! In college I learn a technique of setting up what u wanted to accomplish that I can honestly say helped me through those days & even help me as a 24-year-old business owner, coach, and trainer now. Making sure your goals are SMART does not mean making intelligent decisions, it's analyzing your wishes and dreams in hopes that they are intelligent decisions. Provides not only structure but allows for decisions to be made during before and after goals are made failed or achieved. Combine & recruiting season is approaching, knuckle up and get your academic, scholarship, season-goals, and collegiate goals in order; those at the college level set goals to prepare for life, academics, & athletics, know that the next step can be taken each and every day! 

SMART-is an acronym meaning 5 different things that will help shape & accomplish goals! Don't sit & wait for anything happen, take action and go make things happen being S-M-A-R-T!

SPECIFIC-be clear and detailed about what your goal IS & what you want to obtain from it! Don't just say you want to be a better athlete, say in what ways and how it will help your performance & team. Don't be general, be concrete and say who where when and what YOU indeed want your goal to accomplish! 

MEASUREABLE- have benchmarks or something to compare your progress with. You will not know how far you have gotten if you don't know where you started...Again, a goal to be a better athlete is NOTHING without tracking, see progress get motivated from it & keep pushing for what is next to come! 

ATTAINABLE-make your goals for YOU and capable for YOU. Motivate yourself with yourself & inspire your progress, reach & exceed your benchmarks! Impress yourself with what you can achieve in months & eventually a whole year! 

REALISTIC-BE REAL. Must be something concrete to achieve, like I said don't just say I want to be a become a better athlete this year. SAY EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN. example "I want to become a better athlete BY improving my (enter drill here) and my (position skill)" Create a path for your means and find the end, stick to your mission and don't look back! 

TIMELY- have a sense of urgency to meet and exceed your benchmarks on the way to your goal (your end). Don't slack off and take days off for something you wish to achieve; for the moment you do you will fall behind and realistically someone else working for that very same go will indeed surpass what you have pushed to accomplish. Stay on schedule or ahead of time, never play catch up or be caught watching like a fan.  

Applying for Usage
Webbing or thinking of how a plan will work rather than jumping into it, lessens the chance for failure and giving up! Failure should not turn you away, for you are still on your mission to your goal, failure simply tells you that specific way won't woke & SWITCH YOUR APPROACH, not give up and give in! 
You say you want something, to be in college or get a scholarship, even college athletes have goals to compete in professional sports or get the career job they have been dreaming & studying years for; the time is now to stop dreaming & get SMART! Apply those goals and wants to SMART and strategically execute your life! Don't say you want things to happen, go make them happen! 
Aspire to dominate 
-The Elite Athletic Program