Thursday, January 2, 2014

SMART-er GOALS: 2014 Achieve More

Happy New Year, now that 2014 has a whole day under it's belt, let us shape this year and our every year to come a little different than we have in the past! 
Everyone makes resolutions & sets goals, but a large percent end up dropping what they are going & reverting to other goals or fall into old fashions. Setting your goals up the SMART way, will indeed insure some structure within achieving and setting your goals for life or resolutions for the year! In college I learn a technique of setting up what u wanted to accomplish that I can honestly say helped me through those days & even help me as a 24-year-old business owner, coach, and trainer now. Making sure your goals are SMART does not mean making intelligent decisions, it's analyzing your wishes and dreams in hopes that they are intelligent decisions. Provides not only structure but allows for decisions to be made during before and after goals are made failed or achieved. Combine & recruiting season is approaching, knuckle up and get your academic, scholarship, season-goals, and collegiate goals in order; those at the college level set goals to prepare for life, academics, & athletics, know that the next step can be taken each and every day! 

SMART-is an acronym meaning 5 different things that will help shape & accomplish goals! Don't sit & wait for anything happen, take action and go make things happen being S-M-A-R-T!

SPECIFIC-be clear and detailed about what your goal IS & what you want to obtain from it! Don't just say you want to be a better athlete, say in what ways and how it will help your performance & team. Don't be general, be concrete and say who where when and what YOU indeed want your goal to accomplish! 

MEASUREABLE- have benchmarks or something to compare your progress with. You will not know how far you have gotten if you don't know where you started...Again, a goal to be a better athlete is NOTHING without tracking, see progress get motivated from it & keep pushing for what is next to come! 

ATTAINABLE-make your goals for YOU and capable for YOU. Motivate yourself with yourself & inspire your progress, reach & exceed your benchmarks! Impress yourself with what you can achieve in months & eventually a whole year! 

REALISTIC-BE REAL. Must be something concrete to achieve, like I said don't just say I want to be a become a better athlete this year. SAY EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN. example "I want to become a better athlete BY improving my (enter drill here) and my (position skill)" Create a path for your means and find the end, stick to your mission and don't look back! 

TIMELY- have a sense of urgency to meet and exceed your benchmarks on the way to your goal (your end). Don't slack off and take days off for something you wish to achieve; for the moment you do you will fall behind and realistically someone else working for that very same go will indeed surpass what you have pushed to accomplish. Stay on schedule or ahead of time, never play catch up or be caught watching like a fan.  

Applying for Usage
Webbing or thinking of how a plan will work rather than jumping into it, lessens the chance for failure and giving up! Failure should not turn you away, for you are still on your mission to your goal, failure simply tells you that specific way won't woke & SWITCH YOUR APPROACH, not give up and give in! 
You say you want something, to be in college or get a scholarship, even college athletes have goals to compete in professional sports or get the career job they have been dreaming & studying years for; the time is now to stop dreaming & get SMART! Apply those goals and wants to SMART and strategically execute your life! Don't say you want things to happen, go make them happen! 
Aspire to dominate 
-The Elite Athletic Program 

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