Tuesday, February 11, 2014

DO's & DONT's for Combine/Tryout Performance

Combine season is approaching the DMV! Are your ready? Not only to run a 40 yard dash, but to display your athleticism, dominate at your position, and show your and coaches nationwide you are ready for the next level! 

You may be in the weight room getting stronger, building power & explosion for speed, and sculpting your body to an art form so coaches are impressed off first glance. Not only should your strength and speed be preped and ready, but you should know what to do and what not to do before lacing your cleats up! Mentally prepare yourself! Know how to conduct yourself & your mannerism for the most productive combine performance, highlighting your abilities for the next level! 


-DONT be out of shape 
|you are in attendance for a REASON, to be seen & recruited; have your body looking as good as possible, mind calm & in a good state, and your confidence to execute at a high volume|

-DONT stand with hands on hips, head, or bent over at waist
|always stand straight up and show your confidence, never let anyone know your are fatigue; SHOW NO WEAKNESS|

-DONT be unprepared
|know your position drills and all the combine drills before stepping into the event. Knowing what to expect is half the battle (like having the answers to a test), training & preparation is the other half| 

-DONT switch techniques 
|STAY TRUE TO YOUR TRAINING & PREPARATION, you have spent hours and hour repping ways you will perfom; the day of is NOT the time to change the way you are doing something because your nervous or see another technique you like. REMEMBER, your performance reflects YOU & NO ONE ELSE (BE YOU)|

-DONT give up or hang your head 
|confidence starts with a head held high, keep it there! You make a mistake, drop a ball, fall, whatever the case may be, MAKE SURE YOU SHOW NO DOUBT, maintain your composure! If indeed you do make a mistake, COME BACK THE FOLLOWING REP 100 TIMES BETTER|

|you MUST run into every drill & out of every drills, have a sense of urgency in your performance, play, with your presence. You need water? sprint to it, you have to use the bathroom? sprint to! Once you are in combine mode, stay in it, turn nothing off sprint any & everywhere, time is priceless & opportunity is limited 

-DONT overthink anything
|relax your mind and let your talent & preparation take over! It is time to unleash what you have been building| 


-DO, make a statement with your performance. Have no doubt in your heart & leave it all on the field. 
|everything to gain comes from moments like these, SEIZE EACH REP & EVERY OPPORTUNITY| 

-DO, listen to directions carefully 
|cosches HATE repeating themselves, directions are usually very self explanatory no need to overthink and question; LISTEN, REPEAT IT IN YOUR HEAD, VISUALIZE YOURSELF DOING IT, and GO DO IT

-Do, see everyone as competition
|not only are the players that you may cover or run a route against your completion; but realize those at the same position as you are even competition, every position drill and test drill matters to set yourself apart. You may have a friend or a teammate you attend the combine with, sorry but combine day it's every man for himself or herself| 

-Do, finish THROUGH each and every drill 
|don't pull up short, jog through the line, attempt to look cute, or any combination of the previous listed; you look LAZY! Whether you trip, stumble, or even fall, FINISH FULL SPEED| 
Combines and tryouts are opportunities that should not be taken lightly, but also should be enjoyed and used as a learning experience. Each rep you get, which will be limited, must be an individual statement about you & the athlete that you are and can eventually grow to become. Preparation is key, just as is confidence! Prepare your brain and your body, know all drills that will be tested and any & all position drills that could be on the coaches mind. The coaches want to see you move, dip, and bend; do it all at max effort and leave nothing back.

-Each day, each workout, each rep;  an opportunity to grow and separate yourself! Do so! 

-Aspire To Dominate

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