Monday, February 10, 2014


"That Thing"
There are plenty of different names for  what i'm referring to. And the result of it ranges from getting hype, to being in the zone, shooting lights out, being on fire, or just focused. 

There's this voice that we all hear when we compete, it's what makes you go to practice and compete savagely each day. Or during the second half of your game and you haven't been performing as you should. The voice that reminds you to forget and start new. We'll call it “that thing” since there are so many ways to describe it. I remember during one of my best games in high school, I scored 6 tds because I was in sync with "that thing".If you still don't know what we're referring to then you have a ways to go. But if you do know and have been in the zone where time itself slows down and everything is clear. 

A place where you can't make a mistake, your form is flawless, each step is perfect and you feel no fatigue. When your practicing with your team or with Coach Savage and you feel as if you can't possibly do another gasser, parachute run, band pull, or cone drill because your body is screaming for you to STOP! We want you to remind yourself that you are unbreakable. Not only physically but mentally, which comes first before the actual physical action. Remember that your thoughts dictate your actions and "that thing" is pushing you in order to reach that zone and stay there for as long as you can FOCUS. 

There's a reason why great athletes have great moments. They understand "that thing"and when the game is on the line, they deliver as expected and the crowd goes wild. Remember, we all have "that thing" in all of us. It's just on us to settle our thoughts and focusing on the goal. 

We, The Elite Athletic Program would like to thank you for taking your time to read this. 

Aspire to dominate!

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